Friday, February 27, 2009

preserve womans rigth of reproductive choice

I think that woman should have the right to choice to have there baby or not.

My first reason why woman’s should have the right to choice either to have there baby or not is

that when you choice to have a baby is when you think that you can afford it and take good care

of it but what about if you have been raped by someone and you don’t want to have it but you

have to because the government say so. Don’t you think that you should have the right to

choice what to do with your body.

My second reason is that if woman cant afford a baby how are they going to feed them and give

them the things that they need for example dippers, milk, and pay for the healthcare that your

kids need to be sure that they don’t have any disease. Lets say that he is really sick and you

don’t have money to buy the baby the medicine what are you going to do or you cant afford a

hospital. Image that all those things can happen to you if you have a baby and you feel that you

are not ready just because the government chose what to do to your body .

My third reason is that many girls have been raped and don’t even know by who your not going

to be comfortable having a baby that his father is a stranger and that when your baby grow up

you have to lie to him telling him stories about a dad that does not exist because you don’t want

to tell him that you were raped in the street by a man that you dint get to know and that you

don’t know him t all I think that is sad because you did not have the right to choice what ever

you wanted to have the baby or not is your body you decide you’re the one that needs to carry it

inside your stomach and the one that is going to have to wake up and feed your baby every time

that he is hungry or when he needs something. How would you feel if you had a baby that his

father is a rapper and that you did not even know.

I think that a woman should have the right to choice either to have their baby or not to because

of the following reasons. Is hard to have a dad that you don’t know and that you will never know

who he was. Is hard to abort a baby because you will feel bad about it knowing that you killed

your own blood. for example there is a woman that had 6 babies and then had 8 at the same time

she said that she could not afford having 6 then what does she do when the babies are hungry

imagen having 14 babies that are almost the same age. Imagen if that happen to you and you

cant abort what in the world would you do.

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